Wildlife farming is not a conservation strategy.

                 Wildlife farming is not a conservation strategy.

Earth is a common home for every organisms. Human innate are considered to be the most intelligent creatures of the universe because they can understand and use their intelligence to protect and conserve the ecosystem. But does this still exist in the present scenario?¿ It's very difficult to deny the fact that Mahtma Gandhi had once said," Earth has everything for human need but not for for their greed."
Presently this saying is getting it's dominancy.

The research finds that humans are killing off species thousands of times faster than nature creates them. The findings also suggests that human are on the verge of causing a sixth mass extinction.
In this critical circumstances instead of making some strict rules on behalf of wildlife. The government has approved the act "wildlife farming". It has rose a big question mark on the animal rights. If someone violates our rights we cry, shout, fight or adopt diverse procedures to have it in any way. But those wildlife can do nothing for their rights. It is us who have to go after their conservation. Torturing them using various methods, and using them for examining heterogeneous experiments doesn't fall under conservation acts. Every organisms life is precious. If a human suffers they can do anything for their health. But what in case of animals? The same human are rating the lives of other creatures; this is no way of intelligence. Adopting wildlife farming means providing the golden opportunity to those human who are seeking huge benefits from lives of those innocents creatures.

Restlessly, watching these activities isn't bearable for environmental conservationist. So, in collaboration of various organizations,  wildlife conservationist along with masses of youth are raising their voices against wildlife farming through rally, street dramas, mass movement; awaring local citizens and by questioning the law-makers all across the world.
Henceforth some intense actions is must for wildlife conservation otherwise we can't neglect to accept the fact that the endangered wildlife would be limited only in the books or museum and the abundant wildlife would get endangered gradually. If the condition gets more and more worst the living of human will also be difficult because human and wildlife including other organisms are interdependent to one another. Protection of wildlife means protecting ourselves from upcoming possible dangers.

So, Raise your voice and say "NO WILDLIFE FARMING" and "SAVE ANIMALS RIGHTS"


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