C comes prior to D.

That’s why make a “Change” before running wildly into “ Development"
In the verse, where local election has become a matter of attraction to every people; but the so-called system of approaching and seeking for a vote in front of the citizens with large number of unions flags in vehicles without considering environment is still trending, having no sustainable future. This absolutely needs a positive change. Like, a single drop counts; a single right vote by every voters can make a huge difference on country’s economy, women empowerment and other sectors which is a matter of concern.
That’s why; on co-ordination of an activist, myself Asmita Gaire and Sushma Kunwar, we youths without any assistance from a particular political parties, organized an eco-friendly event named An Umbrella walk campaign symbolizing “SOVEREIGNTY COMES FROM INTEGRITY” pivoting LOCAL ELECTION 2074 with the theme VOTE FOR CHANGE backboning at least 100 youths with majority of females which was successfully carried out on 16th Baisakh/ 22nd April from 3 PM to 4:30 PM with the involvement of almost 200 active youths.
The eco-friendly campaign included Umbrella Walk for 15 minutes initiating from Pulchowk to Chaubisekoti. Then, the squad presented a flash mobs; dance and a meaningful and an informative Drama based on election respectively, which was loved by many citizens. The speciality of the campaign was performances like flashmobs, dance, drama, and preparation of placards to handmade face mache, ballot box and playing musical instruments that was coached and performed completely by females demonstrating,” if females wish then they certainly can.”
The campaign was loved and proped out by majority of public, and we were encouraged and requested to manifest our performance in various parts of Chitwan. Recently, we performed our act in Ratnagar, Tadi, and we got good response from their too. Even the campaign was supported naturally by scorching sun; factual wind; hailstones and a calm weather respectively reflecting the versatile use of Umbrella and also notifying the signal of a positive change is soon going to get happened.
And Change Starts From Ourselves:
For this;
Don’t go after a symbol trend like your ancestor did. Henceforth, Select Your Vision And Stamp Right Candidate.
 Keep in mind: जस्को नीति राम्रो उसैलाई  भोट  हाम्रो;
 Make Your Vote Count;
 हटाउन अस्तिरता; समावेसीकता आजको आवश्यकता

So, #Let’sVoteForChange



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