I am with farmers
From the pinpoint children get inborn till they cradle to grave, food is an indispensable part of life and farmers are the one to tend each crop and every creature. Living in a mud house, playing with mud; it’s farmer who devotes honestly, perfectly and sincerely for general welfare.
A baby get born in the family, he is well nourished and is grown and when he is asked about his aim in life, it’s among doctor, engineer or pilot. It has become a conservative culture in the society. Farmers aren’t regarded as they have to be insighted and respected. Cultivating land along with rearing livestocks in their level enriches the well assembled food reach up to our table.
Nepal is an agricultural country. But more negatively amazingly, the condition of very farmers in scenario of Nepal is quite unsatisfactory. Small land, small field, limited manpowers, more limited technology and traditional way of farming has been the hindrances on their path. Draught, famines, improper manures, improper seeds, unbalanced market, irregular transportation, broken irrigation pattern, insufficient farmers based training, insurances and government policies are their stumbling block. Spade, sickle, plough and few modern technology has been their weapons. Relentless work, up and down including their toil is just limited to subsistence level. Industrialization, housing together with urbanization has boycotted the fertile and cultivable land.
As a result, insecticides, pesticides in addition to different kinds of medicines has become the means to jet food production in very short period of time and of course diseases as well. When sickness emerges then it is farmers who are to be blamed. The circumstances is highly disagreeable. From the production period to market, farmers have to face lots of difficulties. Large number of crops, fruits from remote areas get rotten before they get to market due to poor transportation facilities and people have to pay high sum of money for the imported food. In case of Nepal, the venue of selling vegetables is found to be polluted with flies and odour in comparison to the place where other luxurious goods are sold. Some improvements are visible in agricultural sectors from trainings to producing highly educated and experienced agriculturists yet many more necessitate to be done.
Livestocks rearing was also quite knotty but now the state is ameliorating. People are embracing more modern technology through diverse artistry and are supplementally inclined towards poultry production and then other livestocks. Yet the support from government level is highly expected for proper trainings, insurances, employment to experienced veterinarians including security to beginners and further enforcement for encouragement.
Henceforth farming is the key to individuals well being and nation evolution also with no delay, priorities should be given to revamp and edify the status of farming in Nepal. Farmers are the leaders, caretakers and armours so respect, regard and support them in every pace.
I find this amazing connection in arts, food and self love as I go alina through your article! Kudos to you for your creativity. Have a nice time in IAAS. Rejoice.